Tommy Clark talks Third Class Ticket
Welcome to a new year and new site, The Electric Post. This evening sparks the beginning of an exciting few months ahead and we're kicking off early with a brand new post featuring radio host Tommy Clark. Tommy is the founder of Third Class Ticket, a Scotland based radio show invested in bringing the best unsigned artists to his listeners' ears. The Electric Post interviewed him to find out more about the show, the problems with modern music and what he really listens to...
How long have you been broadcasting Third Class Ticket?
I started the show in April 2012 so just under 3 years now. It started as a playlist posted on Facebook of some of my favourite songs but thanks to Emily at Mesi Radio taking a chance on me, it quickly evolved in to the show it is today.
How do you source the content?
I look for the content in all manner of different ways. I find a lot of the bands on social media but also approach bands at gigs I attend. I must also give a lot of credit to people who are working hard in areas all over the UK (and to a lesser extent across the world) promoting their local bands and putting them in touch with me. There are some fantastic guys out there working so hard for new and unsigned bands. Guys like Into Tomorrow in Teesside, New hellfire club in Glasgow, Voice of Scotland in Edinburgh, Double Denim in Leeds, Ronnie McGhee at Irvine Beat FM and so much more. Without those guys I would not have been introduced to a lot of fantastic bands that are producing amazing music right now. I'm sure there are guys like this in every town and city right across the country and if you are one of them, get in touch.
So, are you approached by many bands?
It tends to work both ways and also bands are passing on the details of the show to other bands they are playing along with. When I started the show I had possibly a dozen unsigned bands like The Lemontops, The Loop, Stonehouse Violets and Soldier on but I now have over 500 bands on the database and it increases daily. Recently I was approached in the street and handed an EP from a band. That was quite a buzz to be honest.
Are you focused on specific genres?
The Third Class Ticket show will play any genre of music as long as its new & unsigned. The last show I did had a playlist that consisted of pop, garage rock, Metal, dance and folk. So really anything goes.
Outside of the show, are you picky with music?
My personal music collection ranges from Andy Williams to Anthrax with everything in between. I love music and that what drives me to put out the show every week.
Do you have much radio background?
I was (and many may say I still am) a complete novice so I have basically been making it up as I go along. But joking aside, I think the more you do something the better you will get at it.
How did you get to grips with the technology?
It was very much a case of trial and error. As I record the show 'as live' it doesn't always go the way it should but as with live music, that adds to it I feel. As technology keeps moving I'll do my best to move with it.
What did you feel was missing from the local music scene to pursue this? Is this an issue on a grander scale too?
Locally the lack of venues for new bands to be heard is diminishing on a weekly basis. Although I must add if you don't use it, lose it. To be fair it's difficult for these bands to build a crowd when they are starting out. That's where shows like The Third Class Ticket can help by giving these bands airplay, which in many occasions is the first time they have had some. On the grander scale it's a battle that bands all over the country are fighting. People think nothing of paying £70 to go to an arena to watch U2 but baulk at £5 to see 4 unsigned bands. I am though a firm believer that we are all in this together and the bands, venues, promoters and Radio shows should be helping each other out. This doesn't happen anywhere near enough.
As it's the New Year, it seems fitting to ask what are your hopes for the show in 2015?
Well hopefully 2015 will see the show become the 'go to' place for unsigned bands. I would also love to put on a night for Ticket show bands. But more than that, I think my year would be complete to see one of the bands from the show make it big.
When can we tune in?
The show airs on every Thursday night from 9pm. I also post all of my shows as podcasts after they air.
Why should we listen to you?
I don't really feel that I am the best person to answer that question but you might just hear your next favourite band. I know I do every week. Tune in and you tell me.
If you are a band or musician wishing to get your material heard, you can reach out to Tommy via the platforms linked below.
Facebook: The Third Class Ticket
Twitter: @3rdclstkt